Register HERE and get your own blog space and a free download of Ashley’s book Flow!
(Once you’ve registered, your free eBook download will appear at the bottom of this page.)
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Welcome to WARP Place, home to Writers, Artists, Readers, and Photographers who have in common the desire both to share their work and to contribute to earth care however they are able.
Members are entitled to their own Writing space, from which they may submit blogs, poems, essays, memoirs, or works of fiction. In addition to their Writing space, visual artists can use this form to submit their art for consideration in our Gallery
Members also are entitled to a free download of Ashley Carrithers’ book Flow (in PDF, epub, or mobi for Kindle format), which we trust will make for interesting reading and provide a sourcebook for our annual writing contests. The download will be available on October 15, 2013, so if you register before that date, please check back then. If you need help with downloading, check these instructions. All our books are available in the Bookstore. Enjoy.