Welcome to Writers and Readers Place (WARP)
A warm hello and welcome to my little bookstore where, if you are open minded (and open hearted), and wanting to evolve into a more comfortable and exciting experience of your life, Enjoying the Creation, you will find solace and enlightenment in my six books, offered as E books with multiple choices for downloading.
Me? I live on my 100,000 acre magical paradise in the Argentine Patagonia, deep in the Awesome Andes – a fantastic dream of life which fostered and nurtured these 6 books offered here. Headwaters, my first book is a fun story about us four hippies running around in the wilderness near our California ranch and meeting after a week on a stoned high mountain to play bridge and share our stories. Jaguar Girl is for kids and their parents to read together, Sex and Money on the Spirit Trail. says it all – who is not interested! Perfection Perception and Flow espouse and endeavor to explain metaphysical unique cosmologies, while also sharing delightful tales of my adventures in the Devil’s triangle, mighty mountain ranges and the astounding warrens of the super rich, along with base survival with some hairy hippies. Libertad is about my time in a winter Argentine prison with killers and no bedding or real food, just yerba maté and my happy sense of making the best of it, applying my life changing, and life saving modes of behavior and self preservation, and even self entertainment.
Some of these tales, and gently offered coachings, are truly life changing and they are all fun – thus life enhancing. Many of my books offer metaphysical coaching on how to vastly whelm your life experience into the heady joys of enlightenment, evolution, and plain old life right to enjoyment.
These books, as enlightening and evolutionary as they indeed present, are NOT for everybody. Many live lives of boring semi desperation, doing as they are told, and not daring to seek outside of their box to consider what life is really about. But for those curious and caring enough the mind bending coaxing and heart abetting hints, once accepted and practised, will feel like finally being unshackled from normal feelings into a huge and glorious freedom – an emancipation from herd mentality that is perhaps the greatest gift that could be given to anyone – an emotional lottery win and falling in love….with yourself. These are more than self help tomes, they are both self enhancement and planet help books.
Me? OK, I am an Octogenarian just recently falling prey to some brain predator which has affected a few behavioral oddities – that doesn’t matter for your profits from reading the books as they were written long ago when I was at the top of my game and now I pretty much just want to share these so valuable, if a bit rare, gems of not merely coping with life’s happy challenges, but exulting in one’s higher ground, and going on, lovingly, to share with others. Oh, I have lived quite the life, rife with adventures, loves, “losses”, riches and, above all, funs – my favorite “F” word. I am short listed for the BLEL and am pretty sure that I have lived and thrived aplenty putting together (don’t ask me exactly why) the Best Life Ever Lived. Not an ego issue, rather a celebratory song which, ideally, we would all want to sing.
There is a wise saying; “Don’t try to get what you want, but want what you get”. This concept lies at the heart of my sharings and, once mastered, opens the doors of perception to the amazingly wonder filled flighty freedoms which await the practitioner as coached in much of my writing.
All money received from these book sales (or donations) go to my global governance model – UPNOW, United Peoples’ Network – One World. This is a potentially world changing model which is, admittedly, way before its time, but needs now to be seeded into the dialogue of those dedicated to getting rid of military idiocies, environmental degradations, and even psychopathic politicians. World Peace, long a sadly laughable pipe dream can be effected as this model gets adopted and spread throughout the entire world population, only a tiny percentage of whom want deadly and destructive war. Nurtured here at Estancia Ranquilco it is available at www.jaguarambassadorsgang. org. Check it out please and help bring Leonardo Di Caprio to the table.
At the end of the day UPNOW is why I am going forward with these book offerings – for all of this I credit and heartily applaud the energies of Deep Nature here, where jet trails are seldom seen and where magic roams in lovely and meaningful freedom. Here is an ego piece – I believe that UPNOW is more important for the planet and all its varied denizens, than the United States Declaration of Independence and deserves a thoroughly viral spread worldwide. You can help. Yes, YOU.
Thank you, please do something – at the very least think positively, consider sharing this with people you care about, and Enjoy the Creation!
As a thank you for reading this far and also for any team playing you choose to do to help us achieve virality and seed UPNOW around the world to effect World Change, we offer for FREE this book –
Trails and Trials to the Nobel Peace Prize 2027.
With sharing this around the world we can, finally, see what it is like to live in Peace and you can tell your grandchildren that you were part of it.
By Ashley Kent Carrithers
Graphic Novel
Flow offers readers a way to change their lives by applying energies that recognize that perfection reigns in all life events, that we are responsible for what we attract into our lives, and that—with positivity at the helm and negativity forbidden—the flow brings us just what we need for our personal evolution. Once you embrace, understand, and practice Flow, Life becomes greatly enjoyable with stress, worry, confusion left in the wake of a new, proud, and secure vessel. The “F” word—fun, comes into serious play.
Published Books
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Other Books
Jaguar Girl
In 1997 Ashley imagined his beautiful daughter into a work of (mostly) fiction called Jaguar Girl—the sweet story of a vivacious Nature gal, living on vast lands in the Argentine Patagonia. When she learns that a multinational corporation is setting up to exploit her beloved wild-lands, she travels to San Francisco to seduce the owner and turn his head from destruction toward preservation. It is a love story with Mother Earth—a fun and enlightening read for all ages.
Headwaters, with a foreword by Edward Abbey, tracks the evolutionary musings of four “hippie” brothers in the mid-70s who journey into the wilderness near their northern California ranch or “commune” for adventures in various weathers and geographies, while dealing with personal identities that look a little different coming out.
\Sex & Money on the Spirit Trail
Sex & Money on the Spirit Trail was penned by Ashley and his old-soul son on a backpacking trip. It provides another perspective on these two powerful subjects that sometimes seem to dangle us all like so many puppets.
My Writing Blog
Follow Along
Dreaming, by Ashley Carrithers
Dreaming lovers dream together, eyes on I's lips kissing smiles breasts upon hearts and middle places aflame She unglues passion bonds leaves a linger of scent on my bed and in my mind drives away to distant climes as elastic love stretches and . . . holds sighs of...
Rain Bliss, by Ashley Carrithers
Here, at the winter lands, today I get to wake at last dark to an ongoing patter of little laughs at our prolonged drought as RAIN continues to kiss the Earth. The sound on this shake roof was there the night long, and each time I sort of woke it brought a smile to me...
Loving (for Jules), by Ashley Carrithers
golden girl outshining yon sun traipsing sandwards, trailing cutest pooch and songs sweet with being, beach-bound. she is dream-laden landed on Earth's shore a warm walking statue blue, blue eyes aswirl above smile's radiance words wilt here, think otherworldly think...