I live in what’s called Close-In SE Portland and springing up around my neighborhood are little free libraries. The first one showed up in the middle of the block next to the entrance to the co-op art studio I belong to. A little peaked roof cabinet on the side of the building. Inside were books. Take one, leave one. There was a Michael Connolly mystery I hadn’t read. What a find! A few days later, I left the Connolly mystery there.

A couple of weeks later, I passed another little cabinet, this time on a post in a yard on a residential street near my gym. (When the weather’s good, I prefer the outdoors to the treadmill.) I’ve taken three books from there and put six books in.

I love this idea. Sometimes the books are things I don’t want to read (not big on romances or James Patterson), but other times there are real finds. I so appreciate whoever is installing them. Bravo!