Lover’s Tsunami
A Poem by ashley k carrithers
a passionate poem, reflecting a true story as I ruminated through the wandering of the waves hurtling against my bare bastion – Ocean Pacific. About a lover loved.
Oceanside, amidst elemental waltz
My lover conjures her fundamental self
and I am, once again, won.
Waves, star flamed, test their tireless might
against Earth phallae – air kissed, wind blessed,
And – failing again, again, and…..again,
finally, in the faraway future, win.
I sit perched atop cliff’s vantage,
Imbibing each little tsunamic salute
as a caress from far and away woman
and would that she be with me – the better
to witness sun’s foreplay with horizon’s frontier.
Her body and beingness…….mine.
to ripple with warm wanderments
as eyes echo the air-whipped frenzy below
and fingers, beings, begin to lay claim
once again to her delineations and flames,
creeping, caressing, encircling Oneness
where we are joined again, again and…..OH again.
Earth, air, fire, water… lover and I
as all the Earth angels hold hands
Our love, our one great Love, shall never die.