by Russell Fuller | Jul 6, 2016 | Blogs
Estancia Ranquilco, deep in the cordillera of the Argentine Patagonia, offers a four year course in building a rustic, elegant and organic greenhouse. Various phases of construction will have offers of shorter specific duration, as detailed below, so enrollment is not...
by Russell Fuller | Mar 3, 2016 | Love Lullabies & Sensuous Songs
The Coming together A Poem by ashley k carrithers A love poem about man and woman finding each other after seasons of not…..their stories of waiting and wandering and wondering, and then a quickening as time and tide bring them inexorably together. Life, this...
by Russell Fuller | Mar 3, 2016 | Love Lullabies & Sensuous Songs
Kaleidoscopic Goddesses Somewhere between mind, heart and soul There is a rainbow of women Coursing through these times so wrought with wonderment Riding my thoughts like wild ponies in the raven dark I gallop between visions, Smiles and sighs waltzing...
by Russell Fuller | Mar 3, 2016 | Love Lullabies & Sensuous Songs
Some still say it is all OK, never considering the why’s And many never query status quo’s thin disguise. Our children and theirs, innocent victims – collateral damage Inherit the wasteland of our unconscious greedy whims – our rampage. FUCK...
by Russell Fuller | Mar 3, 2016 | Love Lullabies & Sensuous Songs
Lover’s Tsunami A Poem by ashley k carrithers a passionate poem, reflecting a true story as I ruminated through the wandering of the waves hurtling against my bare bastion – Ocean Pacific. About a lover loved. Oceanside, amidst elemental...