Modeling the power of the written word and creative arts in creating conscious change!
Though doing something different and making a difference can seem impossible these days, the creators of WARP (Writers, Artists, Readers, Photographers) Place aim to do just that.
From different life experiences and geographies, we bring a common love for the wild creative spirit in each of us, a fundamental belief that everyone has a story worth sharing, a desire to explore new realms of community, and a sustained reverence for our one and only planet.
We seek to create a global community of conscious, caring people to share artistic expression and interact with a gang of turned-on Everypeople. This is One World: together we create the future with our actions (or inactions), words, and thoughts. Through our writing contest and bookstore, WARP Place intends to raise funds for artists, authors (75% royalty), and ourselves so we can fulfill our pledge to donate all our profits to Earth Care energies. The international communities with which we connect will serve as a great forum both for raising funds and sharing ideas.