closing eyes
a scene unfolds on mind-dark panorama
over-grown with weeds & fragrant wildflowers
a path opens up before me…
the intrusive drone of distant traffic
fades in forest echoes
fades… softer…fades… fainter…. fainter –
whisperings of cool wind ripple treetops gently
caressingly fingering blushing green
as pools of sunlight stream
through filigree branches…
soft mosses glisten with sweet pure moisture
‘neath trees of regal poise
I step onto the beckoning path
no fear to where it goes
just yearning within my heart & soul
to walk a little ways
to sooth my flagging spirit
in incandescent haze…
closed eyes miss not a single sight
such profound tranquillity wrapped in an echo of sound
I let my feet slowly wander
not caring where I was bound…
willows brushed the path-edge….a delicate gentle tune
and between the lace-like branches
I glimpsed both sun and moon
star-jasmine grew in trailing vine
… and as I paused to breathe the perfumed threads
tendrils wove a garland
which was placed upon my head….
on I walked with measured pace
through fragrant air that was soft & light
the haunting notes of an ancient flute
spoke of the balance of day & night
emerald shadows beckoned me
to leave the overgrown path
beckoned me to follow
the hollow echo of a distant laugh…
the way opened up before me
and closed as I passed through
no fear nor phobia plagued me…
no negativity trailed my step
I felt so strange yet oh so calm
as if I was returning home
to a place
…. I could neither remember nor forget…
and still I walked… quite boldly
the way the forest showed
lost in surreal tranquillity
enchanted by an ethereal glow…
a clearing opened around me
and in amongst tumbled stone
a waterfall danced merrily
singing for me and me alone
and in this place of whispered echoes
I knew had come home…
Beautiful imagery
Peace and Greetings Renee… and thank you so much; I set myself an exercise in Visualization and this was the result.
I have written 2 more on the same Nature/Earth theme.
I’m not entirely sure of the purpose of this site; I am still finding my way around.
I am looking for a place to connect with like- minded creative people.
Wishing you an inspirational day.
Sharon (and Renee),
I understand your remark and know we haven’t yet well explained ourselves. We’ve had to deal with some issues and put off others before we could more fully open the site and begin marketing. Because we are a small crew with limited funds, things have taken longer than we had hoped. However, we are about to move forward, having decided to go ahead and create a 2013/14 writing contest as well as a big one for 2014 and agreeing we can to work on resolving other issues as we go.
Until now, you, Renee, and some other writers/artists have been our pioneers, sharing some interesting work and creating some great word-of-mouth publicity. We are on the verge of social-media marketing and so on, so you’ll soon see some changes, more energy, and greater participation. We also want every member to encourage his or her friends to come aboard.
If you read the Home page text, you’ll see our vision of the site explained. Additionally, under the Who Are We menu is a submenu item entitled Our Mission, which puts things succinctly and also points to our developing sister site, Jaguar Ambassadors Gang (JAG).
We are looking forward to a long, healthy relationship with our members—talented, creative, conscious people who want to make a difference both individually, in community, and on our planet.
Hello Russell… I do hope my above comment on the sites purpose did not offend you or any on your team, no offense was intended. I was wondering, out loud, if poetry was the type of writing WARP hoped to attract, or was worming my poetic way in where it was not suited.
I write mostly about spiritual growth and the amazing beauty of nature. I like to illustrate using my own photos, art and videos.
If you get the time you may enjoy my photojournal, an ongoing journal of my nature walks.
I look forward to discovering all there is to discover and hope to connect with others.
Peace & Inspiration
Sharon, oh my, no offense taken whatsoever. Ultimately this site will be what ALL of us make of it. If you look at the Writing tab on the main menu, you’ll see that we welcome all kinds of writing, and you choose one category when you post. The submenu item Poem Page takes you to the beginnings of all our poems so far. Poems (or, more likely a series of poems) will also be welcome in the Writing Contest.
Looked at your blog. Interesting. You could post some of that in your blog here, could use one illustration along with some text in the Writing Contest, and/or you could create a small portfolio of images woven around a theme or poem and submit it to the Picture Gallery through the form in your My Account page.