cows and birds, by Harry Holdorf

cows and birds, by Harry Holdorf

I think it was Wendell Berry who said birds and we had much in common, because we both eat bugs. Not that WE actually eat bugs, but bugs are our enemies. Cows we do eat, though. Outside my desk window, it’s basically cows and birds. Cows are quite nimble creatures,...
cows and birds, by Harry Holdorf

Wendell Berry, by Harry Holdorf

It’s a hackneyed cliché that great poets, writers, thinkers, are seldom recognized by their contemporaries. Cultures are so caught up in their own little dioramas, the bigger pictures often pass by unseen. Perhaps future generations will recognize Wendell Berry as the...
cows and birds, by Harry Holdorf, by Harry Holdorf

There was this hairy, black, long, rounded mucus-covered package come slowly sliding out the rear end of a angus cow, standing alone in the middle of a spring-green Carolina meadow. Momma slowly turned and began licking and nudging the gently moving life package, and...
cows and birds, by Harry Holdorf

Billy Weed, by Harry Holdorf

What with the recent state-by-state recreational pot legalizations, I thought I’d look up my buddy Billy Weed from fifty years ago, and see what he’s thinking these days. I found him retired, living in a drafty old farmhouse in western Tennessee, enjoying feeding the...