Lagging behind the News headlines? Have a story that can make us drool? Grab this chance to win $7000 worth of Prizes and a chance to get published through WARP Place. Enter our writing contest soon!

Our initial writing contest is free to enter, and the Award Category is “Energy of Flow: How do we best manifest the flow of positive energy in our lives?” The winner (chosen by our member-readers) will receive $2,000 through PayPal and a one-week adventure at our founder’s Estancia Ranquilco (see also Ranquilco video) in the Argentine Patagonia (valued at $5,000). Enter our writing contest soon!

In his book Flow, Ashley demonstrates that when we accept responsibility for and then savor the energies we attract, we begin to Flow—a lovely wandering down life’s trails now flavored with acceptance, appreciation, and celebration and dismissive of blame and guilt. By manifesting flow rather than trying to simply grasp and hold it for ourselves, we can leave behind doubt, worry, stress, confusion, jealousy, hate … even fear, especially fear.

Registering at WARP Place entitles you to a free download of Flow, which offers plenty of food for thought, but you needn’t respond to just that book. Indeed, the literatures of spirituality, psychology, philosophy, and ethics as well as fiction and poetry have approached this notion of flow in a thousand different ways. Any of these may underpin your thinking. When it comes to Flow, streams of consciousness might be in order.