Sometimes we represent not just the best of evolution but also the worst. Too often.
Sometimes we the people are not people at all but animals of the most horrid sort. Brought up in the USA to bully our peers and the weak, to bully our rivals in romance and on the fields of play, to grow into young adults who often get and retain our job by bullying not just our competition but our colleagues, to marry and often bully our spouse while we raise little bullies and take out our aggression on the little runts, because that’s what we know, that’s what we’ve been taught, that’s what we’ve aspired to, so we dwell in a bully nation where we imagine we have the moral authority to manipulate, police, reprimand, and sometimes shatter other countries for our own gain, because we have been slighted by them and feel the shadow of their disrespect, or simply because we can, because we are the mightiest, meanest, toughest, best armed, and the most thoughtless people on Earth, and we march through the tears of the people of the world, we excuse the collateral murder of innocents who also die when we assassinate a distant adversary, and we crush underfoot the other animals, we trample the rainforests, we poison the water and air that belong to all of us, we send billions to to sleep each night in fear, we watch the poor starve and the sick die of preventable disease, and we smile because all of this amuses us. Because this is the monster we’ve become together. King of the Hill … ha ha ha ha ha …
well done Mr. Fuller – There are sayings extant that understand that the United States, the Home of the Free, is well on its way out with most other countries disdaining us and the bullyism we represent.
favorite bumper sticker? Background is old glory
“We are making enemies faster than we can kill them!”