by Russell Fuller | Jun 22, 2014 | Ashley Carrithers, Ashley's Adventures in Wilderland, Blogs, Poems
Dreaming lovers dream together, eyes on I’s lips kissing smiles breasts upon hearts and middle places aflame She unglues passion bonds leaves a linger of scent on my bed and in my mind drives away to distant climes as elastic love stretches and . . . holds sighs...
by Ashley Carrithers | Mar 26, 2014 | Ashley Carrithers, Ashley's Adventures in Wilderland, Blogs
Here, at the winter lands, today I get to wake at last dark to an ongoing patter of little laughs at our prolonged drought as RAIN continues to kiss the Earth. The sound on this shake roof was there the night long, and each time I sort of woke it brought a smile to me...
by Ashley Carrithers | Mar 21, 2014 | Ashley Carrithers, Poems
golden girl outshining yon sun traipsing sandwards, trailing cutest pooch and songs sweet with being, beach-bound. she is dream-laden landed on Earth’s shore a warm walking statue blue, blue eyes aswirl above smile’s radiance words wilt here, think...
by Russell Fuller | Jan 24, 2014 | Ashley Carrithers, Ashley's Adventures in Wilderland, Blogs
Today a lovely lady asked me what I learned from my mind trip experiences. I had informed her that I had enjoyed a few encounters with psychedelic drugs back in my younger daze, and was glad that I had because I learned some very, for me, evolutionary understandings....
by Ashley Carrithers | Jan 16, 2014 | Ashley Carrithers, Ashley's Adventures in Wilderland, Blogs
When I first arrived in Patagonia and was suddenly the Patron of vast leagues of land populated with animals that turned the grass into meat and vines that became wine and such, I inherited a posse of gauchos as well. I spoke no Spanish and initially had to rely on...
by Ashley Carrithers | Sep 4, 2013 | Ashley Carrithers, Poems
Life, this mystifying dance we enjoin with endless flow Brings myriad energies to wayward ones As endeavorments towards understanding and then, peace, Wage wondrous wager with gauntlets self-strewn Along the trails and trials which own soul’s body. He was born in love...